Bu masalar her zaman çocukluğumu hatırlatıyo , ışıklar çok enteresan gelirdi. This made me remember my childhood couse it was coming very interesting to me. |
I find girls hairdresser issue before weekends and chit chats in the saloon very funny and entertaining.Everyone in the hairdresser become eachothers intimate very fast and especially manicurists know everything about their customers life.What she gonna do that night,why,when and with who their boyfriend left them, what did one said for one another,the date of their period :),what will she cook for that night...Once a woman showed her son's pic to me:)Today after spending like 3 hours in my hairdresser i did the same convos and i learned too much gossip.I think it is becose there is nothing more to do while i was spending my saturday there.I drank 3 cups of tea and 1 coffee.In addition the funny thing i've noticed is all of my friends spent their at least 2 hours in the hairdresser(yesterday my friend came 1 hour late becouse of that). I think it is about being girl and excitement for weekends.I took couple pictures while i was waiting for my hair.
3. çayım ve dergiler. My 3. tea and magazines. |
Allık fırcasını çok sevdim. I like that powder brush. |
Takma kitpikler.Özel günler için vazgeçilmez. False eyelashes.It is very functional for special occasions. |
Yeni takıntım. Pastelin 09 numarası. New addiction. Pastel no 09. |
Final:) |
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